Sometimes we think that our circumstances are so different from what other people experience that there is no possible way anyone could understand what we are going through. While each individual’s experience of adversity is unique to them, there are some common approaches to developing resilience that benefit everyone.
- Recognize your struggle: it is helpful to recognize the challenges we are facing. Whether it is fear about our career prospects, health concerns, financial concerns, or just general concerns about what will happen tomorrow, experts suggest that the fastest path to overcoming the stress is admitting that you are experiencing it. It is not the size or scale of your stress that matters. What matters is that it is affecting you.
- Given the number of demands people face today, it is easy to become so overwhelmed. The pressures of managing finances, professional responsibilities, personal relationships can be exhausting under normal circumstances. When we add in the additional stress and anxiety caused by COVID-19, its easy to feel like there is something wrong about everything. Instead of focusing on the negatives, experts suggest suggests mining the negatives for positives. Be intentional about identifying one or two positive aspects of your life and make an effort to focus on feeling gratitude for them.
- As much as we might not want to admit it, everyday life can be a struggle and it is easy to feel overwhelmed. So why not recognize how much we have been able to handle and feel proud? Affirm yourself for the skills, strength and problem-solving you have shown. Think back over the past days, weeks and months and be proud of all you have accomplished. Take time to appreciate how much you have been able to adapt, adjust and persevere. As your self-esteem improves so does your ability to continue confronting life’s challenges.
- We have so much to accomplish in any given day that time seems to fly by. It is easy to direct every moment towards being productive, fulfilling our responsibilities, and worrying about others. By the time we get to the end of the day, we realize we have not done anything for ourselves. It is important to set aside time to take care of yourself. How much we sleep, what we eat, our exercise habits and what we do to support our mental health all impact our ability to perform. Create a routine that includes time for you – to relax, reset and renew. The time you spend caring for yourself will improve your overall wellbeing and performance.
- It’s an old adage but it rings true in today’s society: laughter is the best medicine. Every person is different and we might not all find the same jokes funny, so there’s no go-to YouTube video to include here. If you like romantic comedies, find one and watch it today. If you only have a few minutes and puppies or kittens make you laugh, find some on videos online. If you have a friend that always seems to make you laugh, give them a call. When we are going through difficult times, it might seem like we should not allow ourselves to laugh. It turns out that taking a break and laughing will impact your body in ways that make you more effective as handling difficult situations.
Each of these five tips are simple and easy to implement. Science says they can work for anyone – irrespective of the type of adversity you are facing in life. If you are experiencing significant stress in your life, consider trying out one or all of these tips. If you know someone who is going through a difficult time, consider sharing these tips with them or personally encouraging them to try the one that’s would be easiest to do.
Life is full of challenges and at some point or another, each of us will face adversity. Knowing these tips can help you feel more prepared to respond to your unique challenges and possibly how to help others with theirs.
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